Posted on June 26, 2021 at 6:40 am
First thing is to back up the server / data before driving in Put the site in maintenance mode bin/magento maintenance:enable If you do not have composer installed, no would be a good time ๐ – To install the plugin: composer require magento/composer-root-update-plugin=~1.0 –no-update If the composer runs out of memory you […]
Posted on April 28, 2021 at 9:14 am
Another way to a create admin account / user, we can create a new admin user via command line (cli). Here is how to do it. Go to Magento 2 root folder, run create a new admin user command line: bin/magento admin:user:create It will ask you: username, password, email, first and last name. Here […]
Posted on April 16, 2021 at 7:47 pm
We come across this from time to time and it’s a common issue when a client changes their domain name due to a rebrand or upgrade from to .com When we changed a Base Url Change Magento 2 there are several sets to take but as always please take this as a guide and […]
Posted on April 1, 2021 at 5:08 pm
In Magento this is how to redirect all non www pages to www pages using the .htaccess with an FTP client like FileZilla. Open up .htaccess to edit the file then do a find in file and look for #RewriteBase. #RewriteBase /magento/ under this line paste the following but remember to change with your […]
Posted on March 19, 2021 at 8:41 am
IT’S RED NOSE DAY! Red Nose Day has arrived at stepholt and this year itโs never felt more important to have some fun and raise money to support people living incredibly tough lives as here at Holt knows someone affected. Red Nose day uses the power of funny to turn laughs into lasting change and […]
Posted on March 18, 2021 at 12:23 pm
stepholt is on the lookout for a group of hard working people with a keen drive to enter the Digital World as part of our new Kickstart scheme – If you are aged between 16-24 and either want to start building websites, designing them via UI/UX or love to be customer-facing and organize staff then […]